Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Facebook A Network Of Decline - 1032 Words
Facebook: A Network in Decline Facebook has revolutionized the way we communicate. They have created one of the most popular platforms for people to present themselves to the world. Businesses have not been left behind and have created pages to show their personality. Despite Facebook’s popularity, there are signs that it is slowly beginning to lose relevance with the population, especially with the youngest demographic. If Facebook cannot recapture the younger audience, they may never regain their prominent and important role. To really understand Facebook’s popularity, we have to look a bit at its history. Facebook started at Harvard to easily search for and find student and teacher profiles. Harvard has a system of doing profiles for†¦show more content†¦Facebook has followed a similar trend, it initially exploded with popularity, attracting people from all walks of life and all age groups, as Daly comments, â€Å"The fastest-growing demographic among Face book’s 64 million users is those over 25†(Daly 480). It’s been a rapid fall as well, with Business Insider noting that â€Å"In late 2012, 42% of teens listed Facebook as the ‘most important,’ †¦ By early 2015 only 14% did so. That s a 28-point drop†(BI Intelligence). The shift away from Facebook is a trend that hasn’t changed, and without having the younger demographic they will eventually be losing customers the same as MySpace’s decline. The rise of the mobile phones coincides with the decline of Facebook. Multiple mobile phone apps have come out and have shown to be more popular. Snapchat, Tumblr, Instagram, and Vine have all come out to take their share of the market. The decrease in word count, and the increase in visual media is explained by Digital Solutions, â€Å"Another thing I’ve noticed is the increased use of images and videos, and the decreased use of text or words. For example, I seem to check my in stagram account more often than my twitter, and even twitter has started to taylor to posting images†(Digital Solutions). Cameras on cell phones have also been increasing in quality, as well, â€Å"AnotherShow MoreRelatedDecline Of The World Wide Web1044 Words  | 5 Pages Decline of the World Wide Web Hossein Derakhshan article, â€Å"A Blogfather s Lament for the Web†spoke about his concerns of the decline of the web. Writing this article, he directed his concerns for Facebook users in 2014. The article appeared to be about his past journaling experience in Iran which lead him to discover blogging, while keeping connected with his readers from his daily column within the Iranian paper. 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For example Facebook, Skype, Twitter, Cell phones, Laptops, Tablets, Hangout and many more networking devices and tools replacing traditional ways of socialization. Can you think about living without a cell phone in your pocket or a laptop/tablet in the study room? We extensively use Facebook forRead MoreFacebook And Its Impact On Society1515 Words  | 7 Pagesat least one active Facebook account. †The Facebook†allows organizations and individuals to post news about events, personal life experiences, products, or any other piece of information that might appear pertinent to the followers of that account. From its simple starting point as a way of one-to-one communication among the Harvard college students, Facebook has grown to its current position with more than 900 million active monthly users (Ric hards). For organizations, Facebook plays a huge role
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Special Education Reform Special Educational Education
Special Education Reform The Education system in America has had a lot of improvement over the years. Given the opportunity to the divers’ society to enhance their level of education to a higher level. It also has given the educators the opportunity to advance their skills and express their knowledge to their students as well. They were able to do all this with the assistance of the Federal Government. Truscott et al,(2004) were concerned with the decision making that may affect students of Special Education or Special Educators. They were concerned with what the differences between General Education Special Education, and they found out that not much was known of the Special Education and it was not properly represented in the discussions meetings. They suggested assigning a team member to represent Special Education for a specific topic. Through this study, the†Disability Law†became a focus point, Including Special Education in the decision making of the disabled. Truscott et al, ( 2004) â€Å"The result of this study suggested that when Special Education representation was general or implied, however discussions that included Special Education were infrequent.†P123. They went further to emphasize that: â€Å"These members of the educational community need to clearly advocate representation special education discussions of general education.†p124. About the turn of the century when social, economic, and political changes were taking place in the country,Show MoreRelatedAchieving Six National Education Goals990 Words  | 4 Pages According to President Bush, he made an announcement on April 18, 1991 that he wanted to achieve six national education goals by the year 2000. There are six objectives: 1. Make sure every student is ready to learn on the first day of school. 2. 90% graduation rate 3. Making sure that each has the skill for all core subjects. 4. Make sure that a student have achieved in the math and science 5. To ensure that every adult is well-trained and possess the abilities to contend with an environmental economyRead MoreEducation And Development Of Special Education949 Words  | 4 Pagesinfluenced the development of special education in China. Special education schools emerged in the late 19th century with special schools that served those who were blind and deaf (Deng, Poon-McBrayer Farnsworth, 2001, p. 289-290). â€Å"Education for individual with mental retardation or other disabilities was nonexistent†(Deng et al., p. 289-290). The foundation of the People’s Republic of China established in 1949 is often considered the actual start of special education services in China. From theRead MoreLeadership, Organization And Administration1529 Words  | 7 Pagesvision that all students will learn using IDEA and the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), ensure that the needs of children with disabilities are met while improving educational outcomes. As with economics as John F. Kennedy coined, â€Å"A rising tide lifts all†, therefore improving the instructional policies and practices in the special education classroom ensures the benefit of all students. Today, schools must provide students with disabilities appropriate access to the general curriculum and effectiveRead MoreEducational Isolation Gap Between Students With Disabilities And Those Without Disabilities898 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent educational life than students in the country where I come from. Students with disabilities in the United States have been empowered in such a way that they have procured suitable dealings from both the state and federal governments. We are likely to find such students with documented hearing, visual, and physical impairments studying and socializing naturally with students without disabilities. In fact, we cannot tell the difference between the two groups of students regarding education. 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There are six objectives: (1) To guarantee that every child starts school ready to learn; (2) To raise the high school graduation rate to 90%; (3) To ensure that every student leaving the 4th, 8th, and 12th grades can demonstrate competence in core subjects; (4) To make students fir it in the world in math and science achievements; (5) To ensureRead MoreDeveloping A World Class Inclusive Education System Essay1476 Words  | 6 Pages The Special Education 2000 programme was introduced by the New Zealand Ministry of Education 1996. By introducing such a programme the government intended to develop a world class inclusive education system. The model and aim at that stage was to reform the education system where children with disabilities could be integrated into the mainstream education system. This would enable children with disabilities to attend their local community schools where having the same opportunities as their siblingsRead MoreCollaborative Learning Community : Supplemental Services Essay964 Words  | 4 PagesCollaborative Learning Community: Supplemental Services Essay When it comes to transitional services, the law requires a great deal of focus and effort be put into the services that are provided to special education students in the classroom. Below, we will summarize what the law requires when it comes to Occupational Therapy, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Assistive Technology, and Transition Services. Occupational Therapists within the school system are there to aid the IEP team and student
Monday, December 9, 2019
Transcript of Kingfisher Airlines for Aviation-
Question: Discuss about theTranscript of Kingfisher Airlinesfor Aviation Industry. Answer: Transcript Aviation industry has been one of the most efficient modes of transportation in the modern world. The aviation industry has changed the lifestyle of mankind and has lowered travelling time thereby improving the efficiency of work. Kingfisher Airlines has been one of the most renowned airline industries that have been operating India and various parts of the world. The company had been operating their flights domestically and internationally. Kingfisher Airlines was inaugurated by Mr. Vijay Malaya, owner of Kingfisher Group. The company started with the objective of providing luxurious and quality airline experience to their passengers. The company during their early days had been functioning efficiently by fulfilling their objectives. The company slowly moved away from their basic functions due to their inefficient administrative and management functions and it has been seen that it had led to their fall in the airline industry. The main factor that led to the fall of Kingfisher Airlines had been due to their various scams. One of the most the biggest scams that Kingfisher made was service tax evasion. The company collected the tax amount from the passengers during their journey and did not pay the tax to the Service Tax Department. They used the money for other purposes that were not necessary. The tax evasion strategy of the firm did not last long as the Service Tax Department raided the airline industry and it was seen that the company had a huge amount of tax that was due. The accumulated debt of the company kept on increasing at a significant rate as the as they did not establish profit from their operations. The accumulated debt of the firm accounted to 8030 crore. The financial burden of the company kept on increasing due to their sloth operations. The annual report of the firm from the first year of their operations revealed that they had been incurring loss. This loss had grown up to around 7000 crore during the end of 2012. The cumulative debt of the company was found to be 15000 crore. Kingfisher Airlines was declared as a Non- Performing Asset as by various bankers as they were unable to pay back the loans they had taken from the bank. Kingfisher Airlines during their commencement of their business had a considerable amount of goodwill due to their other companies. However, with time, as the real performance of the firm was discovered that they had been facing losses and had a huge amount of debt. The disclosure of the true performance of the firm led to the fall in their stock price and thereby lowering their goodwill in the market. Kingfisher Airlines tried to recover from their distress by acquiring Air Deccan as they thought it would increase their profitability and thereby improve their position in the airline industry. However, it is because of their estimating power the company did not look into the issues that could to lead to their disaster. The company overlooked the cautionary signs that were inherent with the acquisition of Air Deccan and therefore, lead to the disaster for the firm. The current liabilities of the firm were increased by 23% and therefore, the company could not understand how to pay off their shareholders and their stakeholders. There were various other issues as well that led to the fall in the operations of the business. The economic issues of the firm comprised of the rise in bank credits due to their inability to pay off the debts. The growth in competition in the aviation industry even made the passengers aware of the various facilities offered by the airline companies and decided, which company would satisfy their needs and overlooked the luxurious travelling experience. The environmental factors were even issues as the changes in the climate led to delay in flight and therefore, they the company had to accommodate their passengers in order to satisfy them leading to increased cost for the company. Thus, it can be concluded that Kingfisher Airlines because of their own scams and faults along with the external factors faced adverse situations in the economy.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Publix, Case Study free essay sample
Not only does Publix cater to their customers but their employees as well which has maintained high rate of employee fidelity. Publix ranked number 6 on Forbes list for America’s Largest Private Companies in 2011. The supermarket’s revenue was recorded at $25. 13 billion in December of 2011. The majority of the Publix’s supermarkets are located in Florida totaling 757 stores including Green Wise Markets, Publix Sabor, Publix Pix, Cooking Schools and Event Planning. In 2008 Publix announced it would be purchasing 49 Albertson’s, a competitive grocery store which entitled them to control most of the supermarkets in the Tampa Bay area in Florida. Expanding has not been an issue for the dominating grocery store, even throughout the Great Depression era Publix was financially stable. During World War II the only implications Mr. Jenkins faced was finding materials to build more grocery stores but never was it a financial issue. Publix was the leading grocery store chain in central Florida and commenced expanding to southeast Florida by 1959. We will write a custom essay sample on Publix, Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The supermarket manufactured a distribution center in Miami in 1963 and provided additional services aside from the full bakery such as deli service. The grocery chain expanded to Jacksonville, Florida in 1974 which maximized sales to reach $1 billion. Publix used their marketing strategies to target diverse cultures reeling them into the stores. In south Florida there is a vast majority of Spanish culture. Publix captured this market by creating Publix Sabor, a supermarket that carries an assortment of goods with regards to culture foods from Hispanic countries all over the Caribbean and South America. By expanding their horizons in such a way Publix is showing their customers that they are focus to catering to their needs at all cost and adding value to their name. Publix has also expanded by adding different services to their stores such as a Pharmacy that offers several different types of free antibiotics, a Blockbuster DVD kiosk and a Presto! ATM. Publix was one of the first companies to have water fountains, self service shopping, shopping carts, and computerized scanning technology (Mujtaba amp; Johnson). In today’s society we live in a fast paced world where being up to date in technology could make or break a company. By having the self service registers in the store customers do not have to wait in line to be rung up, instead them can do it themselves and save some time. Publix continues to overpower other competitors by living by their code â€Å"where shopping is a pleasure†which leads customers feeling wanted and satisfied shopping in a friendly environment which in return brings loyal customers. Vice-president Bill Fauerbach said â€Å"only we can give our customers a reason to shop elsewhere. As long as we take care of our customers better than anyone else, we will defeat our competition†(Mujtaba amp; Johnson). Publix’s first priority is to please the customer which is why they are so successful since they built a service which is now reputable. Publix implemented a â€Å"power hour†where the employees solely focus on the customers. During this time the employees are not allowed to stock the shelves, mop the floors or even throw away trash. Greeting and assisting customers to ensure they come in and out quickly is all they can do. Although Publix has branded the industry with the value and quality of their products and services, companies such as Wal-Mart can give competition to Publix since they offer a larger variety of services and products besides food. Walmart’s focus â€Å"Low Prices Everyday Save Money Live Better†leads the industry but their customer service level is nowhere near Publix’s. While Publix has many strengthens there is always room for improvements in regards to suppliers, customers, competitors and employees. The supermarket has gained market sharing presenting competitive pricing to alike products and categories with other competitors. In order to improve products they can offer exclusive items to their customers sold only at their stores which allows Publix to have a competitive advantage over its competition. Publix can also reinforce their relationship with their employees by adding incentives within the organization as well as adding non-monetary bonuses that will continue to motivate the employees which will build loyalty and employee retention.
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