Tuesday, November 26, 2019
bob the fish
bob the fish 12 May 2014Dear Mr. Harris,I am writing to you to argue against your article headed "Save our Children from the Horrors of School Sport". This article appeared in The Independent on Wednesday. My first point is that your use of words for the title is completely inappropriate as when you say "save" and "horrors" which is saying that the children are is some kind of danger and are in need of saving and that they are horrified by the thoughts of sport. Which I find completely wrong I can say that it is not horrifying. As I am a student at a sport ordinated school.My second point is that how good it is to do sport. Sure there might be some "humiliating" times and "misery" involved but that is all part of life. Sport keeps you fit and healthy, while a 'thrice daily smoke behind the biology block' does not which is probably the cause of your misery in sport.Front of Wingate Physical Education Institute, 195...As well as this Sport is an endorphin-reliving subject, which makes you happy and is also a proven way of fighting pain and stress. Sport also teaches children Social Skills and can teach important life lessons E.g. you need to carry on when it gets tough to make it better at the end. This leads me onto that you can take part of competitions ranging from school sports days to the Olympics, this already making you happy because you have been chosen. But my point is that you can win things which makes you even happier because it proves that you are good at this, but even if you don't win you will be happy because you took part and tried you're hardest. But you say it is a "public embarrassment" and a "humiliating" SubjectMy third...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Ask Professors for Writing Help
Ask Professors for Writing Help It’s not a joke. We know teachers, Ph.D. holders, and other experts who can help you with writing assignments of any kind and any complexity. There are also many successful students who know how you feel when you get another difficult academic paper assigned. If you need somebody to write your paper, or if you’re looking for someone who could do it on a regular basis - just contact us anytime you want, and we will find a writing expert for you. There are two things that we put above all else: Making your professor or teacher satisfied so you can get high marks Helping you learn with assignments written by professionals We know that when these two options are achieved, our clients are happy and they want to order our help again. Connecting People The most interesting feature of our service is that you choose who will write your paper. You can check our writers’ profiles and choose the best one, based on feedback. We also have a ranking system that will make your choice easier. Critical Thinking We know that if a student wants to get a high mark, it’s not enough to just write a paper. You need to demonstrate your way of thinking. On the other hand, it’s not enough to just think. Professors evaluate your ability to think critically. What does it mean? You have to consider various points and build your own opinion based on a variety of conceptions. If you’re not sure you can cope with such a sophisticated task, we’ve got your back. You can chat with your writer anytime you need and make sure that your assignment will be perfect. So, is there anyone who can write my paper? Yes, we have a lot of people who can help you with papers of any kind. They have all the necessary knowledge in various fields. Every writer has a ranking based on his or her previous works. When our customers get their papers done, they evaluate the writer’s work, so that other students can make a good choice. All you need to do is decide who is going to deliver you papers of the highest quality. We always make sure our writers meet the highest standards. We evaluate their skills before we start working with them, so we guarantee that your papers will be written by professionals. Don’t Have Enough Time? Have you ever wanted to find somebody who would write your paper? Now you know where to search for the best writers on the internet. We have many interesting features for our clients. We guarantee the high quality of our texts and we do our best to satisfy every client. If you don’t have enough time for numerous writing assignments, or if you just don’t want to puzzle on boring essays and academic researches - contact us now, and order professional writing help! If Something Goes Wrong†¦ We know that you may worry. What if something will go wrong with your assignment? What if there will be problems with your payment? There’s no need to worry, as we have a great experience in this business. Our writers value their rating in our system, so they will do everything they can to make you satisfied with the result. We have many features that guarantee your safety at every step of the writing process. If you have any questions, just contact us now and we will do everything we can to deliver you best papers for a reasonable price!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Continuity and Disaster Management for Aviation Essay
Business Continuity and Disaster Management for Aviation - Essay Example A significant event or crisis refers to such events, where there is a pressing need for an immediate and novice response, with the aim of lessening the adverse effects taking place in the reputation, profitability and the operations of the airport. This paper will examine the particular problems that affected Heathrow airport frequently and the effects felt by the airport, British airways and the UK aviation industry as a whole. Additionally, the paper will examine the steps that could be taken to minimize the effects of adverse weather and the outcomes that the new strategy would yield, for the wide array of industry stakeholders. Airports are highly intricate systems and are very essential to the effective transit of people and goods across the globe. In addition, airports are significant employment hubs, which allow them to work as economic drivers for surrounding regions; support businesses by facilitating the transit of goods and people, foster trade and support tourism. Despite the fact that airports have remained a critical link to the stability of natural infrastructural models, they have also been identified as highly vulnerable to a variety of external and internal disturbances. All of the internal and the external disturbances affecting the performance of airports impact or even limit the normality of airport operations. One of the recent events that gave evidence about the adverse effects of airport disturbances was the failure of the systems and the performance of London Heathrow’s Terminal 5, after it was launched. The newly opened airport building suffered from significant failures in the performance of operational and passenger-specific functions (Brady & Davies, 2010). The failures led to the cancelation of more than 34 flights in a day, after the start of the launch of operations and the cancelation of flights left
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
What challenges face the newspaper industry with the emergence of the Research Paper
What challenges face the newspaper industry with the emergence of the internet and can they survive and adapt to still be viable - Research Paper Example The most potential challenge that the newspaper industry is dealing with in the present age and would continue to deal with for a long time in the future is the emergence of the Internet. The features and qualities of the Internet outdo the newspapers in various ways. This has imparted the need for the newspaper industry to engage in measures for sustenance in these challenging times. The different ways in which people can receive news People use a variety of ways to receive news in the present age. A report published by the Pew Research Center suggests that for the most part, differences in the consumption of local news that emerged from the collected data shows the different demographic compositions of a variety of types of community in the US (Miller). Means of receiving information include but are not limited to newspapers, television, radio, and the Internet. Each of these mediums has a range of alternative services running simultaneously to keep the audiences updated. For examp le, there are different companies publishing newspapers on daily basis in different languages to cater for the multilingual needs of the increasingly multicultural society. Likewise, there are different television channels that collect news on daily basis, make documentaries, and offer news at specific times throughout the day. Radio has different channels like television. The Internet is the most vibrant source of information. According to a study based on the ways of consumption of news by Americans carried out by Pew Internet, about 75 per cent of the people that discover news online have it forwarded to them either through the posts on the social networking websites or the e-mail and almost 52 per cent of this population uses the very means to forward the received information to others (Schroeder). People also receive news is through gossip with one another. This gossip may be face to face, over the telephone, or over an online service like Skype or chat. Commencement of the dec line in newspaper readership The decline in the readership of newspapers started with the introduction of radio and television in the society in general and with the advent of the Internet in particular. Many newspaper making companies have closed over the passage of time. â€Å"The Rocky Mountain News closes, the Miami Herald sheds 200 jobs, the Globe & Mail offers severance packages, the Washington Post downsizes its business section, and on it goes†(Evans). Newspapers are the oldest source of information among all contemporary sources of information. Newspapers are almost as old as the manufacturing of paper is. For a long time in the history, people had no source of information but newspapers. Therefore, readership of the newspapers was tremendous. This trend changed with the creation of radio. Among the main functions served by radio was delivering news. Service of the radio was almost similar to that of the television except for the fact that audiences could not see an ything in radio while television provided them with the facility of observing moving image. As radios and televisions became common, readership of the newspapers started to decline. However, an even stronger threat to the readership of the newspapers surfaced in the form of the Internet. Over the passage of time, use of the Internet has become so tremendous and commonplace that people hardly find time for radio and television services, and the Internet has become the most fundamental source of information in the contemporary age. Steps taken by the newspapers to ensure their future
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Definition of Idioms and Collocations Essay Example for Free
Definition of Idioms and Collocations Essay A phrase which has a meaning that is commonly understood by speakers of the language, but whose meaning is often different from the normal meaning of the words is called an idiom. Of the various definitons of ‘idiom’, therr criteria, both semantic and syntactic, emerge as predominant. The first is semantic opacity, or what has come to be known as ‘noncompositionality’, the fact that the meaning of an idiom cannot be deduced from a sum of the meanings of its parts: in this sense, the meaning of an idiom is not ‘motivated’(bussmann 1996: 316). Thus, the meaning od ‘die’ cannot be produced from the sum of ‘kick’ + ‘the’+ ‘bucket’ , or ‘be patient, slow down’ from ‘hold’+ ‘your’+ ‘horses’. No constiluent os an idiom carries independent meaning. The secon criterion relates to the apparent morphological and transformational deficincies od idioms, in not permitting the syntatic variability displayed in other, freer sequences of words; operations such passive ( * the bucket was kicket by Sam), international modification ( * Hold your restless horses), and topicalization ( *The bucket Sam kicked) cannot occour with the idiomatic meaning being retained. The third criterion is the lack of substitutability in idioms, their ‘ lexical integrity’ (Fernando and Flavell 1981:38); synonymous lexical items cannot be substituted in an idiom, as in have a crush on , but not *have a smash on (Bussmann 1996: 216), nor can elements be reversed or deleted. Idioms are, therefore, syntagmatically and paradigmatically fixed (Nuccorini 1990: 418). In addition to these criteria, it has beed observed that idioms belong to an informal register, are figurative or metaphorical in meaning, have homonymous literal counterparts, are often â€Å"instutionalized†(Fernando and Flavell 1981: 17) or proverbial in nature (describling situations of common social interest), and have an affective quality (implying a certain affective stance) ( Nunberg, Sag, and Wasow 1994: 492-93). They are frequentlu nontranstable (Fernando and Flavell 1981 : 81) The term ‘collocation ‘ seems to date back toFirth, who discusses the collocation of ass with silly, obstinate, stupid, and awful (1957: 190-215); in defining the term , Crystal( 1997: 69-70) refers to the habitual cooccurrence of auspicious with occasion, event, sign, an so on, while Carter ( 1987: 57) contrasts the collocation {have, get} pins and needles, which is always plural and nonrever ible, with the free combination pin and needle. Like idioms, collocations are groups of lexical items which repeatedly or typically cooccur, but unlike idioms, their meanings can usually be deduced form the meaning of their parts ( but cf. Bussmann 1996: 81). Collocations are predictable to a greater or lesser degree, with some words having a very narrow collocational range ( e.g., spick, which may occur olny in spick and span) and others having a very wide collocational range ( e.g. , clean, which can occur in a wide variety of strrucures and phrases). Carter notes that the (near) synonymus putrid/rancid/addled/rotten have restrictions on the range of their collocability ( putrid fish and rancid butter, though not the reverse), but he also obseres that ranges are not entirely fixed but can be extended ( rotten fruit,though also perhaps rotten fish/eggs).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The House of Bernarda Alba Essay -- Drama
The House of Bernarda Alba The National theatre Choose one production that you have seen and which you particularly enjoyed and discuss the aspects which made it so successful? The House of Bernarda Alba is a tragedy by Lorca which was set in Spain in the early 1930’s during the Spanish civil war and is about five daughters whose life’s resolve around their mother Bernarda Alba. The girls are repressed by there mother which could be why he wrote this play, to express his feelings and show through the characters how he felt during life as he was repressed for being gay â€Å"better never to lay eyes on a man, never to have seen one’. I enjoyed ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’ as many aspects of the play were successful. There was a large, complicated realistic set like Stanislavski would use with period costumes and props which allowed the audience to see it visually which helped believability in the play as it contributed to the realistic acting. It helped you feel like you were in Spain, as a hot climate was suggested through the set; it was exotic, light and Spanish looking. The props gave a sense of the period the play was set for example the radio, the bell, the wash basin and the sewing machines were all authentic. The set was in Bernarda Alba’s house which was a grand mansion with a gilt, lofty ceiling. I think the towering interior clearly represented the distorted mind of Bernarda Alba. The house was a very open, free place for the girls to roam around in. It had a courtyard in the centre, light green walls making it seem larger and many plants, showing the outside was brought inside. I felt this was a success as the set showed how Bernarda Alba didn’t want the girls to leave the house as there were closed shutters down to the floor; this showed the girls were isolated from the outside world. The set designer has evidently striven to create a physical space which represented psychological unease There were four stone pillars which I feel could have represented four of the daughters and the last daughter was represented by the drain shaped as a cross on the courtyard, which showed she died. I also felt that the pillars were successful as they might signify the house is like a prison for the girls, and they are the bars. There were two stained glass windows one which was broken which gave a sense that once the... ... came across as controlling by her strict tone of voice. It was successful the way the director showed the girls as fearful of the mother. Every time someone would stroll in the room they would jump as they thought it was their mother and if their mother did come in they would sit down immediately and sit in silence sewing. If their mother asked them a question you would hear a fearful tremble in their voice as they replied showing they lived in fear of their mother. Another way in which the actors of the girls were effective is the way they reacted to men. The only men the girls would ever see apart from their father, was the man who delivers the fabric. So in the play when Pepe came to the door all the girls would get excited and start jumpy around screaming as they ran out the door. I feel this play was generally a very successful piece of realistic drama because of the set, costumes, lighting and the acting. It had a detailed set and several strong actors which helped bring the play to life as well as real rain at the end to create a dramatic effect. Long silences were used in the play to produce tension and it used comedy and tragedy to engage the audience.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 16
Current Day Ella I don't know why I'm in here. I started to run down the street with so much adrenaline lashing through me it felt like my chest was going to explode. The rain was pouring down and all I could think about was getting as far away from Micha's house as possible, but my mind caught up with me and I pulled myself back somehow. My clothes drip on the bathroom floor, which is still stained red from her blood. I sit down and hug my knees to my chest, staring at the bathtub. Something died in me when I found her, but I'm not sure what. Maybe my soul. That night, I'd been so determined to go to that stupid party that I left her at the house alone, even though my dad had left me in charge of her. There was one simple rule: keep an eye on mom. And I couldn't even follow it. â€Å"Ella, what are you doing in here?†Micha observes me from the doorway, his clothes and hair drenched with rain. I cuddle my knees against me and squeeze my eyes shut. â€Å"I saw you go to your bedroom with Naomi.†â€Å"Okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬ he sounds confused. â€Å"Why do you sound upset, though?†â€Å"It doesn't matter,†I say. â€Å"None of this matters.†â€Å"Of course it matters.†He sits down beside me and drapes his arm over his knees. â€Å"Otherwise you wouldn't be in here.†â€Å"You're right, it does matter.†I run my finger between the cracks in the tile. â€Å"I don't want you to be with Naomi.†â€Å"Wait a minute. Do you think I hooked up with her?†â€Å"Isn't that what you normally do when you take a girl back to your room?†â€Å"Naomi and I were just talking,†he mutters quietly. â€Å"And I haven't taken a girl back to my room in months.†Hearing him say that makes me feel better and I start to face the inevitable. I can run all I want and try to shut myself down, but my feelings for Micha will always be there – they control me. â€Å"You know, you scared the shit out of me that night,†he says, staring at the bathtub. â€Å"The way you looked when I found you†¦ I don't ever want to see that look in your eyes again – that emptiness.†â€Å"It was my fault.†I let it fall off my chest and crash into the world. â€Å"I was supposed to watch her that night, but I was selfish and thought that stupid party was more important.†He turns my head toward him and looks me in the eyes, so I can see how much he means what he says. â€Å"You're not selfish. You were seventeen and you made a mistake just like every other seventeen-year-old out there does.†â€Å"She died because of my mistake.†The words scratch at my throat. â€Å"If I would have just stayed home like I was supposed to then she wouldn't be dead.†â€Å"You have to let this go,†he says, his voice strained. â€Å"You can't keep blaming yourself for something that was out of your hands.†â€Å"I wish I could have a redo.†Tears sting the corners of my eyes. â€Å"I want to do it over again.†He covers my hand with his. â€Å"I think you might need to talk to someone about this. Otherwise it's going to haunt you forever.†I suck the tears back and wiggle my hand away from his. â€Å"You think I'm going crazy.†He shifts in front of me onto his knees, takes my face in his hands, and forces me to look at him. â€Å"Look at me. No one thinks you're crazy. You're strong, but you've been through a lot of shit and you might need some help working through it.†â€Å"I think I'm more fucked up than you realize,†I say. â€Å"I can't even look in a mirror anymore.†â€Å"That does sound crazy.†He tucks my hair out of my face and takes a good look at me. â€Å"You're beautiful.†I shake my head slowly. â€Å"It's not that. It's something else. Like if I look in the mirror I have to see what's really inside.†â€Å"What's inside isn't bad.†â€Å"Yes, it is. If you knew the truth, you wouldn't want to be with me.†He assesses me closely and then helps me to my feet, pulling me up by the arms. â€Å"What are you doing?†I ask as he steers me by the shoulders to the mirror on the medicine cabinet. I wince at the girl staring back at me; big green eyes, wet hair stuck to her head, and mascara running down her face. I begin to recoil, but he holds me in place and forces me to look at myself. His aqua eyes lock on my reflection. â€Å"When I saw you that night, I felt completely helpless. I loved being able to help you, whether it's if you fell off the roof and needed to go to the hospital or you needed help climbing up a tree. It has always been my thing since we were kids and I loved every second of it, but that night there was absolutely nothing I could do to help you. I never want to feel that way again.†He takes a deep breath and lets it out gradually. â€Å"I love you, Ella May and nothing will ever change that. You can push me away – run away – and I will still love you.†Hot tears pour out of my eyes and down my cheeks. My shoulders start to shake as I turn to him and bury my face into his chest. His arms circle around my waist and he lifts me up. My arms and legs fasten around him like he is my lifeline, and maybe he is. He carries me into my room as I continue to sob and he lies down with me on the bed. It's dark and the music from next door drifts through the open window. Tears spill continuously to downpour from my eyes, and I place my hand over his chest, feeling the beat of his heart. I keep crying years of tears that have been bottled up until finally my eyes run dry. Then I breathe again. Micha I wake up early in morning in a state of panic. Ella is fast asleep in my arms, her eyes swollen from crying, and she's clinging onto me like I'm everything to her. It's what I've always wanted, but something feels unresolved within me and I need to fix it before I get in too deep with her. She needs someone strong and until I face the thing plaguing me, I can't be that for her. But I will be. Carefully, I raise her head from my shoulder and slip out of her room. Her dad's snoring on the couch, there's a broken bottle on the kitchen floor, and the back door is wide open. I lock up and then jump the fence. My yard is trashed with beer bottles and cigarette butts and my mom's car is parked in the driveway. The inside looks just as bad and I feel like a dick for leaving it for my mom to clean up, but if I don't go right now, I'll chicken out. So I hurry to my room, where Ethan's passed out in my bed with his arms and legs hanging over the side. He still has on the clothes from last night and the whole room stinks of stale booze and cigarettes. I stuff some clothes into a bag and collect my keys from the dresser. â€Å"Are you going somewhere?†Ethan sits up from the bed, rubbing his eyes. I swing the bag over my shoulder. â€Å"I'm going on a little road trip. I'll be back in a few days.†He gapes at me. â€Å"By yourself?†â€Å"Yeah, this is something I have to do by myself.†He considers something. â€Å"You're going to see your father, aren't you?†I let out a loud breath. â€Å"Yeah man, but don't say anything, okay?†Ethan nods. â€Å"Alright, if that's what you want me to do.†â€Å"It is.†I open the door. â€Å"And hey, help my mom clean up†¦ and keep an eye on Ella.†He falls back into the bed. â€Å"Alright man, will do.†I grab my wallet and leave the room, wondering who I'm going to be when I come back. Ella I wake up to an empty bed, but try to stay calm. I text Micha and ask him where he is because I'm sure there's an explanation. â€Å"I'm sure it's nothing bad,†I say, but there's an unsettling feeling squeezing inside me. I slip on a pair of shorts and a tank top and go downstairs to head to his house, but Dean, Lila, and a girl with short black hair are sitting at the kitchen table with coffee mugs in front of them. There's a box of doughnuts on the counter and someone's taken out the garbage and cleaned the dishes. â€Å"Oh my God, it's so nice to finally meet you.†The girl with black hair stands up and meets me in the middle of the kitchen. â€Å"Likewise, I guess†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I shake her extended hand, glancing at Lila and then Dean. Dean gets up and brushes crumbs off the front of his button down shirt. â€Å"Ella, this is my fiance, Caroline.†My mouth forms an â€Å"O.†She's not how I pictured her; short and slender, with tan skin and shoulder length wavy hair. She has a vest on over a t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. There's a butterfly tattoo on her wrist and her ears have multiple piercings. I pictured her more prim and proper, by the way my brother showed up looking. â€Å"Dean's told me so much about you,†she says with a genuine smile. â€Å"And I'm finally glad to have a face to attach to the stories he's been telling me.†My eyes wander to Dean and my eyebrows arch up. â€Å"Stories, huh? I'd love to hear these stories.†She doesn't miss a beat. â€Å"Like how you like to draw and how you love cars. He also said you attend UNLV, which is so cool because that's where I went.†â€Å"I thought you said you didn't know where I was,†I say to Dean. He shifts uneasily. â€Å"Dad told me once during like a five minute conversation. But anyway, it's not a big deal, Ella, for me to tell my fiance about my little sister.†â€Å"It kind of is.†My voice carries an underlying meaning that only he will understand. â€Å"All things considering.†Dean hisses through clenched teeth. â€Å"Ella, can you not start this shit. It's too early in the morning.†Caroline glances from Dean to me then back to Dean. â€Å"You weren't lying. You guys' relationship is a little intense.†Removing myself from the conversation, I pull my hair into a ponytail and pour myself a cup of coffee. Breathing in the aroma, I stare out the window, noting that Micha's car isn't next door. â€Å"Where the hell is he?†I mutter to myself. Suddenly, I'm being yanked by the arm out of the room. â€Å"Hey,†I protest as hot coffee spills onto my foot. â€Å"What is your problem?†â€Å"Look.†Dean says once we're in the living room. â€Å"I didn't invite her here. She just showed up to surprise me.†â€Å"So you don't want her here?†I take a sip of my coffee, hiding my amusement. He rubs the back of his neck tensely. â€Å"There's just stuff she doesn't know about me yet and I don't think I'm ready to tell her.†â€Å"You told her about me.†â€Å"But not dad. And not mom either.†I set the cup down on the table and wipe up the coffee from my foot with a towel. â€Å"Okay, so what do you want to do about it?†â€Å"Could you hang out with her for the day, while I pack up the rest of my room?†he asks. â€Å"And then I can get her out of here by tomorrow morning.†â€Å"You should just tell her the truth.†I toss the towel on the couch. â€Å"Avoiding the problem will only catch up with you.†He pulls an annoyed face. â€Å"You're one to talk.†â€Å"I know and I'm working on it.†My voice shakes a little and I clear it. His face is turning red. â€Å"Would you please just keep her busy?†â€Å"I guess.†I shrug. â€Å"But where do you want me to take her?†â€Å"For a drive around the lake or something,†he says. â€Å"I don't care just as long as you keep her away from here.†I collect my coffee and proceed for the kitchen, while he heads for the stairs to finish packing. â€Å"And Ella,†he calls out from the stairway â€Å"You look different today – happier.†I give him a small smile, and then I turn away, wondering what looks different.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lady Macbeth Coursework Essay
When Shakespeare was writing ‘Macbeth’, most people believed that the Sun went around the Earth and that magic and witchcraft existed. This made them very superstitious indeed. Religion was also a dominant factor at the time. All children were baptized, soon after they were born. This then enabled them to be taught the essentials of the Christian religion. Education at the time was only best for the rich. Shakespeare was one of the lucky ones; because of him being brought up in a very wealthy society he got the chance to be well educated. This then got him writing plays such as Twelfth Night, Hamlet and including Macbeth. He is now widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in English literature. In ‘Macbeth’, Lady Macbeth can be seen in many ways which can be related to Macbeth’s villainy. She can be seen as the protector/protected, manipulator, victim, Jacobean wife and also how she is in charge of the relationship with Macbeth. Manipulation is the process of bending another to your will and making them believe or do something that they normally wouldn’t do. Manipulation can be seen when both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth plot to kill their own King (King Duncan). â€Å"And live a coward in thine own esteem†, in this quotation we can see that Lady Macbeth is literally saying to Macbeth that he is only being a coward to himself if he was going to back away from the deed. Lady Macbeth uses such strong words so that Macbeth has a greater chance of not backing down to the regicide. From analysing the quote ‘live a coward in thine’ we can clearly see that the word ‘coward’ is emphasised with the word ‘thine’. The word ‘coward’ means someone who is afraid and someone with no bravery at all. This is important to me because it gives a great impact to the reader that Macbeth is being called a ‘coward’ by his own wife. This to me sounds like Lady Macbeth is acting in a very sly way to get her husband to do what she wants him to do. Another example of manipulation can be seen when Lady Macbeth is talking about the plot to kill the King with Macbeth. â€Å"These deeds must not be thought after these ways†¦so, it will make us mad†. Here we can see that Lady Macbeth is trying to bend the situation a bit so that it goes to her favour. In other words, telling Macbeth to not worry about what has happened. ‘It will make us mad’. In this quote the word ‘mad’ is important because it is being emphasised so that Macbeth is more alert about the murder. Mad is an adjective which is usually associated with people that are not acting in a normal way. To me this suggests that Lady Macbeth is saying that if you don’t forget about the deed, we are going to be in a normal state. We can also see Lady Macbeth in control of the relationship with Macbeth when she helps Macbeth with the murder of King Duncan, making the guards drunk, assuring that Macbeth doesn’t get caught in the process. â€Å"Only look up clear; to alter favour ever is to fear. Leave all the rest to me†. In this text we can literally see that Lady Macbeth is giving Macbeth the opportunity for her to do most of the covering up, this clearly indicates Lady Macbeth taking the role of being the ‘protector’ towards her husband. By the use of the command ‘Leave all the rest to me’ this to me emphasises that she is the dominant character at this specific part of the scene. The word ‘leave’ is a command that you would usually use after a word, in this occasion Lady Macbeth has used this at the start of the sentence which to me sounds more appealing for the reader too. Furthermore, she implicates to ‘the rest’ as referring to the King, the daggers and the stewards. This to me shows that she is telling Macbeth that she can take control of situations like these. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth does not always go in Lady Macbeth’s favour. In this case she is more of a ‘victim’. This can be seen at the end of the story when she is guilty of all the murders which that she has contributed to, this then leads her going ‘mad’. â€Å"The thane of Fife he had a wife, where is she now?†by examining this text, we can see that now Lady Macbeth is in a ‘half away/half dreaming’ state to hold herself for all the deeds that Macbeth has committed, this to me explains why she is asking such questions. ‘The thane of Fife he had a wife’, here by Lady Macbeth using the past tense ‘had’ it shows to me that a level of confusion has taken place. This is then emphasised when she adds on the question at the end of the sentence. Therefore, in the reader’s point of view, it shows us that she is behaving in a ‘mad’ sort of manor, which isn’t rea lly seen before. We can say that Lady Macbeth is the catalyst of the murder. Furthermore, she can be known as the protector and the protected. Macbeth is one character who tries best to protect Lady Macbeth. When Banquo was murdered, Macbeth kept Lady Macbeth in complete darkness. â€Å"Be innocent of the deed, dear chuck†, this quote suggests that Macbeth is trying to protect her and is shown as the ‘protected’. By the use of the words ‘be innocent’ it suggests to me that Lady Macbeth is forcing Macbeth to ‘be innocent’, this is because the command is used at the start of the sentence which usually indicates that the person is in control. The whole quote â€Å"Be innocent of the deed, dear chuck†infers that she wants him to forget about the murder, showing that she’s a protector. Lady Macbeth can also be seen as a protector when she responds to Macbeth’s actions. â€Å"Leave all the rest to me†. In this quote we can clearly see Lady Macbeth as the dominant character in their relationship and also as the protector towards her own husband. By looking at the text used and concentrating on the word â€Å"me†, we can see that Lady Macbeth could be using the word as in referring herself to the ‘manipulator’,’ protector’ or even the victim. Also by use of the words â€Å"the rest†, this could give the reader a thought that it can be referred to or mean the king, or his guards, the daggers or can simply mean different abstracts such as shame, guilt, and consequence. This to me shows a perfect demonstration on how Lady Macbeth is being a protector and manipulator towards Macbeth to get her own way. Lady Macbeth is not always seen as the catalyst. In this case it is shown when she takes the role of being a ‘victim’. â€Å"Unsex me here†. In this quote it shows that Lady Macbeth is asking for her feminine side to be taken away. This to me shows that she is making a change from the typical female stereo type (e.g. kind, vulnerable) to a more masculine character (e.g. leader, ‘macho man’). This change could have made her more manipulative towards Macbeth and in a leading role, but in the state she is in now she is seen more as the victim. Lady Macbeth can also be seen as ‘victim’ in the quote â€Å"sweeten this little hand†. Here we can see that what Shakespeare is trying to say that, because of how Lady Macbeth’s contribution to the regicide, she is trying to forgive herself for what she has done wrong. By the use of the words ‘sweeten’ and ‘little’, it clearly shows that she’s vulnerable and delicate. By the use of words like these it also infers Lady Macbeth’s sorrow and the role of her being a victim. Overall we can see that Lady Macbeth is the dominant character that contributes to Macbeth’s villainy in many ways. Killing a king in the was the worst crime you could possibly do in Shakespeare’s time.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Incarceration of African American Males Essay Example
Incarceration of African American Males Essay Example Incarceration of African American Males Essay Incarceration of African American Males Essay Introduction The tendency of African American males between the ages of 25 and 29 has seen a dramatic addition of captivity. Attention has been concentrating on countries of lodging. instruction. and health care but the most outstanding job for African American males is the addition in the captivity rate. African American males between the ages of 25 and 29 captivity rate has been thought. by many. to be caused by economic factors such as under employment or unemployment. hapless lodging. deficiency of instruction. and deficiency of health care. Yet. others believe it is due to the instability of minorities within the condemnable justness system. such as Judgess. attorneies. and lawgivers. This paper will research two different mentalities ; society has come up with so far. as to why African American Males between the ages of 25 and 29 are progressively incarcerated. Finally. the information will give consciousness to the jobs that is faced by African American Males between the ages of 25 and 29. Prevalence – Problem 1 More than 40 % of all American captives. work forces and adult females. are African American work forces. yet they make up merely 13 % of the U. S. male population ( Roberts. 2004 ) . This statistic does non include those African American work forces who are in local gaols nor does it include those African American work forces under tutelary supervising ( Table 2 ) . They enter the province and federal prison system. at the prime of their economic and generative lives and yet they exit prison behind both economically and socially. The high rate of captivity among African Americans has been noted by the interconnectedness of hapless economic system. deficiency of low-cost lodging. mental unwellness. substance maltreatment. domestic force. absence of a strong black male function theoretical account. deficiency of entree to instruction. or some type of combination of these factors. Statisticss don’t even give African American males a good opportunity to remain out of gaol. They have a one in four opportunity of being incarcerated. while Latino American males have a 1 in six opportunity. and white males merely have a 1 in 20 three opportunity of captivity. The colour of African Americans sets them apart and makes them targetable. Prevalence – Problem 2 There is grounds. in our American Justice System. of structural inequality as seen in the per centums of minorities to the per centum of bulks employed in high ranking places. within the system. The per centum of United States Judgess by race are 79 % Caucasian. 12 % African American. and 2 % Spanish americans American ( Federal Judicial Center. 2012 ) . as for the 1000s of attorneies in the United States it is approximative of 3 % are African American ( National Law Group. 2010-2011 ) . and about 1 in 4 constabulary officers are members of a racial or cultural minority in 2007 ( Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2013 ) . An probe into racial profiling showed that African American and Latino American wrongdoers. who frequently are immature unemployed males. are more likely than their white opposite numbers ( Spohn. C. . 2000 ) . Their prison sentences are besides typically longer or they receive differential benefits from guideline goings than do likewise situated white wrongdoers ( Spohn. C. . 2000 ) . We must admit the jobs of racial disparity within the condemnable justness system. pass on racial disparity within the condemnable justness system with those we who are non informed of the job. and remain committed to altering racial disparity within our justness system for alteration to get down. Causes In researching the high rate of captivity in America it is more likely than non that the addition in African American Males being incarcerated is due to the War on Drugs ( Table 1 ) . It is public cognition that drug offense ranks high among the effects of poorness. These hapless vicinities non merely digest offense they have hapless schools. hapless nutrient. cramped populating countries. and deficit of occupations if any occupations at all. Drugs and drug offense has become regularity in low income communities. apprehensions of Spanish americans made up 55 % of cocaine pulverization offenses and 52 % of marihuana discourtesies and 49 % affecting opiates: African Americans were suspected in 75 % of cleft cocaine instances ; White males were suspected in 41 % all Methedrine instances ( Motivans. M. . 2011 ) . Decades of failed public and private redresss for chronic disparities and disadvantages in communities of colour invite us to review systems and establishments that provide and restrict chance in new ways ( Lawrence. K. . 2011 ) . The causes seem to be intertwined being hapless peers. peers a hapless instruction. peers deficiency of employment. and finally peers an increased rate of offense. Consequences The causes seem to be intertwined being hapless. peers deficiency of instruction. which equals deficiency of employment. which peers increased rate of offense which equals impossibleness to fall in condemnable justness system. Besides. many of these work forces are incarcerated while all the other non-incarcerated American immature work forces are completing school. get downing callings. gaining senior status at work. marrying and holding kids therefore deriving capital. Even when released from prison. these work forces return back to their communities with a felony record that will present utmost jobs for them. The captivity leads the released inmate into a lower societal category even if they were considered lower category Americans prior to their captivity ; they now are lower in societal category standing in most cases. This leads to a hapless African American community. possibly every bit many as 50 % of the male population will hold been in prison. These incarcerated African American Males. who are in their prime of life. besides are go forthing half the households in this community confronting such things as poorness. deficiency of low-cost lodging. mental unwellness. substance maltreatment. force. absence of a strong black male function theoretical account. deficiency of entree to instruction. or some type of combination of these factors. The community finally will go poverty afflicted. fighting to last. and finally vulnerable to the state of affairs reiterating. Solutions – How can this be changed? There are four cardinal facets to turn toing racial disparity. in my sentiment: 1. Acknowledge 2. Communication 3. Setback = Strength 4. Committedness Not merely is the job of racial disparity under recognized by society it is non being communicated efficaciously to do alteration. Majority groups needs to admit racial disparity and minority groups need to pass on their cognition sing racial disparity. As each group bulk and minority begins to go portion their information with each other and work together for a common solution admiting there will be reverses but with continued commitment systemic alteration will go on. Decision By declining to digest disparate intervention of people of colour or anyone within the condemnable justness system we empower ourselves and our state. It is clip that everyone including our legislators. jurisprudence enforcement. prosecuting officers. defence lawyers. and Judgess work jointly and bravely to eliminate this negative stigma. Despite. America being known for its equal rights we are populating cogent evidence that in this epoch inequality is a factor that can non be taken lightly. The statistics that are environing African American males is amazing. We need to authorise African American males with the cognition that they have a one in four opportunity of going incarcerated. It is besides of import to cognize that Latino males have a 1 in six opportunity. and white males have a 1 in 20 three opportunity of captivity. All of these statistics need to be addressed to authorise each and every one us. Throughout history we have non seen a alteration in bulk groups ( White. Male ) and minority groups ( Women. anyone that is non White ) although we have seen Numberss of minorities increasing at a fast gait. Today. nevertheless. the election of Barack Obama. non one time but twice. may put the new ideal of what an American really is. As we embrace different civilizations and their cultural backgrounds society will thrive. As society increases their cognition. in respects to each person’s differences. they will get greater strength and prosperity. The lone issue. that can happen. will be in the short term authorising others to encompass diverseness. When we look beyond short-run. focal point will switch to diverse authorization through encompassing the cognition of our differences therefore doing us stronger as a society. Table 1: BLACK PROPORTION OF DRUG ARRESTS. EXCLUDING MARIJUANA POSSESSION YEAR BLACK % 1999 40. 1 2000 39. 3 2001 39. 1 2002 35. 8 2003 33. 8 2004 33. 1 2005 33. 2 Data calculated from drug apprehension figures by race provided by the Uniform Crime Reports division of the FBI TABLE 2: FBI CRIME REPORT Apprehensions By Race. 2006 [ 11. 249 bureaus ; 2006 estimated population 216. 685. 152 ] Total White Black American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific islander Total White Black American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific Islander TOTAL 10. 437. 620. 7270214 2924724 130589 112093 100. 0 69. 7 28 1. 3 1. 1 Drug maltreatment misdemeanors 1376192 875101 483886 8198 9607 1000 63. 6 35. 1 0. 6 0. 7 DUI’S 1034651 914226 95260 13484 11681 100 88. 4 9. 2 1. 3 1. 1 Liquor Torahs 466323 398068 50035 12831 5389 100 85. 4 10. 7 2. 8 1. 2 Drunken-ness 408439 344155 54113 7884 2287 100 84. 3 13. 2 1. 9 0. 6 Dis-orderly behavior 5117264 325991 179733 7606 3934 100 63. 0 34. 7 1. 5 0. 8 ( The FBI: Uniform Crime Report. 2010 ) References Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2013. hypertext transfer protocol: //bjs. ojp. usdoj. gov/index. cfm? ty=tp A ; tid=71 The FBI Uniform Crime Reports. 2010. Table 43. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Federal Bureau of Investigation. gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u. s/2010/crime-in-the-u. s. -2010/tables/table-43 Federal Judicial Center. 2012. Overview of the United States Court System. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fjc. gov/public/pdf. nsf/lookup/FJC_Standard_PPT_English_June_2012. pdf/ $ file/FJC_Standard_PPT_English_June_2012. pdf Lawrence. K. . 2011. Race. Crime. and Punishment: Interrupting the Connection in America. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aspeninstitute. org/sites/default/files/content/docs/pubs/Race-Crime-Punishment. pdf Motivans. Mark. 2011. Washington. District of columbia: US Dept. of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics. hypertext transfer protocol: //bjs. ojp. usdoj. gov/content/pub/pdf/fjs09. pdf National Law Group 2010-2011. hypertext transfer protocol: //blacklawyers. net/ Roberts. D. . 2004. Measuring the Social and Moral Cost of Mass Incarceration. in African American Communities. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. jurisprudence. fsu. edu/faculty/2003-2004workshops/roberts. pdf Spohn. C. . 2000. Thirty Old ages of Sentencing Reform: The Quest for a Racially Neutral Sentencing Process. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. justicestudies. com/pubs/livelink3-1. pdf.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
FAQ About Singapores Location and History
FAQ About Singapores Location and History Where is Singapore? Singapore is at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It encompasses one main island, called Singapore Island or Pulau Ujong, and sixty-two smaller islands. Singapore is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor, a narrow body of water. Two routes connect Singapore to Malaysia: the Johor-Singapore Causeway (completed in 1923), and the Malaysia-Singapore Second Link (opened in 1998). Singapore also shares maritime boundaries with Indonesia to the south and east. What is Singapore? Singapore, which is officially called the Republic of Singapore, is a city-state with over 3 million citizens. Although it covers only 710 square kilometers (274 square miles) in area, Singapore is a wealthy independent nation with a parliamentary form of government. Interestingly, when Singapore gained its independence from the British in 1963, it merged with neighboring Malaysia. Many observers both inside and outside of Singapore doubted that it would be a viable state on its own. However, the other states in the Malay Federation insisted on passing laws that favored ethnic Malay people over minority groups. Singapore, however, is majority Chinese with a Malay minority. As a result, race riots rocked Singapore in 1964, and the following year the Malaysian parliament expelled Singapore from the federation. Why Did the British Leave Singapore in 1963? Singapore was founded as a British colonial port in 1819; the British used it as a foothold in order to challenge Dutch domination of the Spice Islands (Indonesia). The British East India Company administered the island along with Penang and Malacca. Singapore became a Crown colony in 1867, when the British East India Company collapsed after the Indian Revolt. Singapore was separated bureaucratically from India and made into a directly-ruled British colony. This would continue until the Japanese seized Singapore in 1942, as part of their Southern Expansion drive during World War II. The Battle of Singapore was one of the most grueling in that phase of the Second World War. After the war, Japan withdrew and returned control of Singapore to the British. However, Great Britain was impoverished, and much of London lay in ruins from German bombardment and rocket attacks. The British had few resources and not much interest to bestow on a small, far-off colony such as Singapore. On the island, a growing nationalist movement called for self-rule. Gradually, Singapore moved away from British rule. In 1955, Singapore became a nominally self-governing member of the British Commonwealth. By 1959, the local government controlled all internal matters except for security and policing; Britain also continued to run Singapores foreign policy. In 1963, Singapore merged with Malaysia and became completely independent from the British Empire. Why is Chewing Gum Banned in Singapore? In 1992, the government of Singapore banned chewing gum. This move was a reaction to littering - used gum left on sidewalks and under park benches, for example - as well as vandalism. Gum chewers occasionally stuck their gum on elevator buttons or on the sensors of commuter train doors, causing messes and malfunctions. Singapore has a uniquely strict government, as well as a reputation for being clean and green (eco-friendly). Therefore, the government simply banned all chewing gum. The ban was loosened slightly in 2004 when Singapore negotiated a free-trade agreement with the United States, allowing for tightly-controlled imports of nicotine gum to help smokers quit. However, the prohibition on ordinary chewing gum was reaffirmed in 2010. Those caught chewing gum receive a modest fine, equivalent to a littering fine. Anyone caught smuggling gum into Singapore can be sentenced to up to a year in jail and a $5,500 US fine. Contrary to rumor, nobody has been caned in Singapore for chewing or selling gum.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Applied statistics for economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Applied statistics for economics - Essay Example Consistent with the research predictions, the study found out that standard & poor 500 indexes are more likely to release good news forecasts following larger stock price declines. Moreover, as expected there is no association between the likelihood of releasing good news forecasts and the magnitude of an exogenous stock price increase. Also to be illustrated in this report is the potential of Time-frequency Representation (TFR) techniques, for the analysis of stock markets data and compare their performances. It is for this reason that we seek to analyze the behavior of the stock market price over the period from 2002 to 2007. MAIN OBJECTIVES/BROAD PURPOSES OF THE PROJECT This report aims at investigating the following objectives; i) To investigate whether all the investors are risk averse and measure risk in terms of the standard deviation in a portfolio’s return. ii) To investigate whether all investors have a common time horizon for investment decisions (e.g., a year). iii ) To investigate whether all investors have identical subjective estimates of future returns and risks for all securities. iv) To investigate whether there exists a risk-free asset and all investors may borrow or lend an unlimited amount at the risk free nominal rate of interest. v) To investigate whether all securities are completely divisible, there are no transactions costs or differential taxes, and there are no restrictions on short-selling. vi) To investigate whether information is freely and simultaneously available to all investors. We could summarize the above by stating that all individuals are price-takers and that markets are perfectly competitive. OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT Comparing... Applied Statistics For Economics A time series can be said to collection of data yt (t=1,2,†¦,T), with the interval between yt and yt+1 being fixed and constant. Time series analysis is the estimation of difference equations containing stochastic (error) terms (Enders 2010). Time series forecasting takes the analysis from the time series data and tries to predict what the data may be in the near future, based on what it has been in the past. This is especially important in the field of stock market investment, as traders want to make the right moves at the right times to maximize financial profit. But because there are many factors influencing the fluctuation of the stock market, creating an accurate forecast based on the analysis alone is difficult. Therefore, many approaches and models have been developed to utilize the time series analysis and provide an accurate prediction of what is to come in the stock market. Standard & Poor 500 indices are designed to reflect the U.S. equity markets and, through the mar kets, the U.S. economy. The Standard & Poor 500 index focuses on the large-cap sector of the market; however, since it includes a significant portion of the total value of the market, it also represents the market. Companies in the Standard & Poor 500 index are considered leading companies in leading industries. Comparing the mean of dly and that of dlsap, we observe that the end of week mean price for the logarithm of share price for a particular stock (denoted dly) is lower compared to the end of week mean for the logarithm of Standard & Poor 500 index.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Financial Crisis in Greece (2010-2013) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Financial Crisis in Greece (2010-2013) - Essay Example Public borrowing was undertaken heavily but grossly underreported leading to a debt-to-GDP ratio much above the 3% target. By 2009-2010 it became clear to investors that Greece would not be able to pay its creditors because of a huge fiscal deficit and government debt. The ongoing global financial crisis worsened the economic outlook for the country and it appeared that the country would default on its loan payments. Causes of the Greek Financial Crisis According to Dellas and Tavlas (2013), one of the main causes of the Greek debt crisis was the absence of an adjusting mechanism between money growth and credit growth. Historically, Greece has been running high public debts compared to its GDP which went largely ignored by foreign investors. As a result, there was little incentive for the country to reduce current and fiscal account deficits. Dellas and Tavlas (2013) explain that part of the reason was the fact that Greece did not use the gold standard and its currency was pegged to the Euro. There was an over-reliance by investing and financing countries on the willingness and enthusiasm by Eurozone core countries including Germany to bailout the Greek economy in case of a debt crisis. Throughout this period, the Greek economy continued to charge low interest rates in order to stimulate investment in the economy. As a result, the public borrowing continued to increase pacing the way for a sovereign debt crisis. In a paper presented at the Bank of Greece workshop, Manessiotis (2011) explains that poor fiscal discipline and lack of competitiveness in the economy were major factors that contributed to the crisis. These aspects of the economy should have received urgent priority following Greece’s entry into the Eurozone. Fiscal deficit ran up to 5.3% of GDP after 2006 whereas the target was 3.0%. Moreover, in 2008 the situation worsened with revenue falling by 1.3% compared to GDP while expenditures exceeded GDP by 1.2%. These problems were further exacerb ated by the international financial crisis that began in 2008. Conditions Imposed by IMF on Greece In 2010, it became nearly certain that Greece could not meet its sovereign debt payments and would inevitably default. The implications for the entire Eurozone region would have been severe. Hence, in May 2010, the Eurozone in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) prepared a bailout package worth â‚ ¬110 billion of which the IMF was to contribute â‚ ¬30 billion to enable Greece to improve its economy and avoid defaulting on its debts (Financial Post, 2013). This bailout package was subject to certain conditions. Mainly, the conditions required Greece to improve its fiscal performance and make the economy more competitive and open. The first condition imposed by the IMF required Greece to implement austerity measures in order to control the fiscal deficit. It was required that Greece reduce its public spending in order to narrow the fiscal deficit. Secondly, the fiscal debt problem was to be controlled by a policy of privatization of public assets. This measure would prevent the government from incurring additional debts to finance public organizations. By the end of 2015, the IMF required â‚ ¬50 billion worth of public assets to be privatized. Finally, the IMF required Greece to implement structural reforms in the economy to make it more business-friendly and competitive. This would stimulate business activity and help to strengthen the economy. However, the conditions have not been met satisfactorily
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